Leising, K. J. (in press). The Role of Associative Learning in Sensitization. Learning and Behavior.

Leising, K. J., Nerz, J. Solorzano-Restrepo, J., and Bond, S. R. (in press). Are You Studying Occasion Setting? A Review for Inquiring Minds. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews.

Nerz, J., Elliott, C. R., Melo, M., Raab, T., Jones, S., Stahlman, W. D., & Leising, K. J. (2024). Emotion Labeling in Pigeons. Affective Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-024-00287-5

Leising, K. J., & Stahlman, W. D. (2024). Toward a Selectionist Future in Comparative Cognition. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 19, 37-41.

Solórzano-Restrepo, J., & Leising, K. J. (2024). Protection from interference by a retro-cue in a visual working memory task. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 56, 156-163.

Stahlman, W. D., & Leising, K. J. (2024). The behavioral origins of phylogenic responses and ontogenic habits. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 121(1), 27-37.

Bond, S. R., Nerz, J., Jones, S., Pittman, T., Jones, N., & Leising, K. J. (2023). The effects of feature extinction in dual-response feature-positive discriminations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 49(4), 273-288.

Leising, K. J., Elliott, C. R., Nerz, J., Magnotti, J., & Wright, A. A. (2023). Properties of Iconic and Visuospatial Working Memory in Pigeons and Humans Using a Location Change-Detection Procedure. Learning & Behavior, 51, 228–245.

Stahlman, W. D., Elliott*, C. R., & Leising, K. J. (2021). Devaluation of a conditioned reinforcer requires its reexposure. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74(7), 1305–1311.

Leising, K., Jacqmain, J., Elliott, C., Wolf, J., Taylor, J., Cleland, L. & Wright, A. A. (2019). Sensory and working memory in a spatial change-detection task by pigeons and humans. Behavioural processes, 169.

Stahlman, W. D. & Leising, K. J. (2018). The coelacanth still lives: Bringing selection back to the fore in a science of behavior. American Psychologist, 73(7), 918-929.

Cleland, L. M., Ruprecht, C. M., Lee, R. V., & Leising, K. J. (2017). The Influence of Landmark Stability on Control by Occasion Setters. Behavioural Processes, 137, 84-97.

Stahlman, W. D. & Leising, K. J. (2016). Midsession shifts in reward probability and the control of behavioral variability. Learning & Behavior, 44(3), 270-282.

Wong, J., Leising, K. J. & Blaisdell, A. P. (2016). Spatial overshadowing in pigeons: Evidence for an acquisition deficit. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 29.

Leising, K. J., Wong, J., Ruprecht, C. M., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2015). Blocking between landmarks during 2-D (touchscreen) and 3-D (ARENA) search tasks with pigeons. Learning & Behavior, 42(4), 357-364.

Leising, K. J., Hall, J. S., Wolf, J. E., & Ruprecht, C. M. (2015). Occasion setting during a spatial-search task with pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 41(2), 163-78.

Ruprecht, C. M., Wolf, J. E., Quintana, N., & Leising, K. J. (2014). Feature-positive discriminations during a spatial-search task with humans. Learning & Behavior, 42, 215-230.

Leising, K. J., Ruprecht, C. R., Stahlman, W. D. (2014). Modulation of variation by response-reward spatial proximity.  International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27(2), 326-337.

Wolf, J. E., Catherine, M. U., Ruprecht, C. M., & Leising, K. J. (2014). Need to train your rat? There is an App for that: A touchscreen behavioral evaluation system. Behavior Research Methods, 46(1), 206-214.

Stahlman, W. D., Leising, K. J., Garlick, D., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2013). There is room for conditioning in the creative process: Associative learning and the control of behavioral variability. In A. Bristol, J. Kaufman, & O. Vartanian (Eds.), Neuroscience of Creativity. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

Passaro A. D., Elmore, L. C., Ellmore, T., Leising, K. J., Papanicolaou, A., & Wright, A. A. (2013). Explorations of Object and Location Memory using fMRI. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7 (105), 1-15. 

Leising, K. J., Elmore, L. C., Rivera, J. C., Magnotti, J. F., Katz, J. S., & Wright, A. A. (2013). Testing Visual Short-term Memory of Pigeons (Columba livia) and a Rhesus Monkey (Macaca mulatta) with a Location Change Detection Task. Animal Cognition, 16, 839-844.

Leising, K. J., Wolf, J. E., & Ruprecht, C. M. (2013). Visual discrimination learning with an iPad-equipped apparatus.Behavioural Processes, 93, 140-147.

Leising, K. J., Sawa, K., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2012). Factors that influence negative summation in a spatial-search task with pigeons. Behavioural   Processes, 90, 357-363.

Leising, K. J., Garlick, D., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2011). Overshadowing by proximity with pigeons in an automated open-field and touch screen. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior, 37(4), 488-494.

Elmore, L. C., Ma, W. J., Magnotti, J. F., Leising, K. J., Passaro, A. D., Katz, J. S., & Wright, A. A. (2011). Visual short-term memory compared in Rhesus monkeys and humans. Current Biology, 21, 1-5.

Leising, K. J., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2009). Associative basis of landmark learning and integration in vertebrates. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 4, 80-102.

Leising, K. J., Garlick, D., Parenteau, M., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2009). Behavioral research in pigeons with ARENA: An automated remote environmental navigation apparatus. Behavioural Processes, 81, 105-113.

Blaisdell, A. P., Leising, K. J., Stahlman, W. D., & Waldmann, M. R. (2009). Rats distinguish between absence and lack of information. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 22, 1-18.

Leising, K. J., Wong, J., Waldmann, M. R., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2008). The special status of actions in causal reasoning in rats.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 37(3), 514-527.

Leising, K. J., Sawa, K., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2007). Temporal integration in Pavlovian appetitive conditioning in rats. Learning & Behavior, 31 (1),11-18.

Blaisdell, A. P., Sawa, K., Leising, K. J., & Waldmann, M. R. (2006). Causal reasoning in rats. Science, 311, 1020-1022.

Kohman, R., Leising, K. J., Shaffer, M., & Higa, J. J. (2006). Effects of breaks in the interval cycle on temporal tracking in pigeons. Behavioural Processes71, 126-134.

Sawa, K., Leising, K. J., & Blaisdell, A. P. (2005). Sensory-preconditioning in spatial learning using a touchscreen task in pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior, 31 (3), 368-375.

Bond*, S. R., Nerz*, J., Lasater**, M., & Leising, K. J. (Nov, 2023). Voluntary Oral Consumption of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Rats does not Reduce Anxiety-like Behavior. Poster to be presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting.

Bond*, S. R., Nerz*, J., Solorzano-Restrepo*, J., Lasater**, M., & Leising, K. J. (September, 2023). The effect of temporal proximity on learning a dual-response feature-positive discrimination with rats. Poster presented at the Pavlovian Society Annual Meeting.

Nerz*, J., Bond*, S. R., Miranda**, A., Gillespie**, C., & Leising, K. J. (September, 2023). Reinforcer Value Affects the Emergence of the Differential Outcomes Effect in Rats. Poster presented at the Pavlovian Society Annual Meeting.

Bond*, S. R., Nerz*, J., Pittman**, T., Jones**, S., Randall**, K., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Voluntary Oral Consumption of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Rats does not Reduce Anxiety-like Behavior. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Jones**, S., Nerz*, J., Elliott**, C., Melo**, M., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Non-Verbal Interoception: Emotion Labeling with Visual Stimuli. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Lasater**, M., Torres**, D., Nerz*, J., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Environmental Changes do not Reduce Habituation of Wheel Running in Rats. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Leising, K. J., Bond*, S. R., Pittman**, T., Nerz*, J. Jones**, S., & Randall**, K. (April, 2023). Feature-positive discriminations of where, not whether, to respond. Paper presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Nerz*, J., Pittman**, T., Bond*, S. R., Jones**, S., Gallegos**, N., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). The effect of temporal arrangement and varying degrees of LM stability on a spatial occasion setting task in pigeons. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Pittman**, T., Bond*, S. R., Nerz*, J., Jones**, S., Gallegos**, N., Lasater**, M., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Differential Lever Responses Do Not Facilitate Discrimination Learning in Rats. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Solorzano-Restrepo*, J., Mendoza**, M., Mendoza**, S., Gallegos, N., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Increased visual working memory performance in a single stimulus property, using pre and retro-signalling strategies. Poster presented at the 30th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition.

Bond*, S., Nerz*, J., Jones**, S., Pittman**, T., Randall**, K., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Spatial uncertainty results in direct control in conditional discriminations. Poster presented at the 2023 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Jones**, S., Lasater**, M., Nerz*, J., Chuah**, J., Jones*, N., Bond*, S., & Leising,  K. J. (April, 2023). An examination of perceived valence of deterministic outcomes and moral behavior. Poster presented at the 2023 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

 Leising, K. J., Bond*, S. R., & Nerz*, J. (April, 2023). For the Love of the Game: Extrinsic Reinforcement does not Undermine Intrinsic Motivation in Rats. Paper presented at the 2023 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Nerz*, J. , Elliott*, C., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Emotion labeling using visual stimuli in the absence of language. Poster presented at the 2023 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Pittman**, T., Bond*, S., Nerz*, J., Jones**, S., Brice*, K., Gunderson*, L., Centanni, T., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2023). Cannabidiol and strain effects on behavior in an elevated plus maze. Poster presented at the 2023 Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention.

Bond, S. R. *, Jones, N. **, Nerz, J. *, Randall, K. **, Jones, S. **, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). Delay Length does not Alter the Nature of Learning in a Two-Response Feature-Positive Discrimination in Rats. Paper presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Nerz, J. *, Pittman, T. **, Bond, S. R. *, Jones, N. **, Brous, Z. **, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022).  Spatial Behavior of Pigeons with Varying Levels of Landmark Stability and Predictability. Paper presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Leising, K. J., Bond, S. R. *, Raab, T. **, Melo, M. **, Nerz, J*. (April, 2022). Extrinsic Reward Enhances Intrinsic Motivation for Lever Pressing in Rats. Paper presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.   

 Pittman T. **, Bond, S. R. *, Jones, N. **, Nerz, J. *, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). The Effects of Feature-Target Temporal Relationship on a Two-Response Discrimination in Rats. Poster presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Jones, S. **, Bond, S. R. *, Gilbert, E. **, Kundinger, R. **, Jones, N. **, Nerz, J. *, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). Retention interval effects with pigeons and humans in a spatial change detection task. Poster presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Jones, N. **, Bond, S. R. *, Nerz, J. *, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). Voluntary Oral Administration of Cannabidiol (CBD) as an Anxiolytic in Rats. Poster presented at the 29th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Bond, S. R. *, Jones, N. **, Pittman, T. **, Nerz, J. *, Brous, Z. **, Chuah, J. **, Mendoza, M. **, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). Potential Anxiolytic Effects of Cannabidiol (CBD) using Voluntary Oral Consumption in Rats. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium.

Nerz, J. *, Pittman, T. **, Bond, S. R. *, Jones, N. **, Brous, Z. **, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). An Examination of the Effect of Temporal and Spatial Arrangement of Stimuli on Spatial Choice Behavior with Pigeons. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium.

Jones, S. **, Nerz, J. *, Chuah, J. **, Jones, N. **, Bond, S. R. *, & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). An Examination of Perceived Valence of Deterministic Outcomes and Moral Behavior. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium.

Pittman T. **, Bond, S. R. *, Nerz, J. *, Brice, K. *, Gunderson, L. *, Centanni, T., & Leising, K. J. (April, 2022). A Comparison of Anxiolytic Behavior in Long-Evans Rats Consuming Cannabidiol (CBD) and TgF344-AD Fischer Rats in an Elevated Plus Maze. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium.

Bond*, S., Melo**, M., Nerz*, J., Raab**, T., & Leising, K. J. (2021, November). Lever Pressing as a Measure of Intrinsic Motivation in Rats. 62nd Annual International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Virtual.

Leising, K. J., Nerz*, J., Elliott*, C., & Stahlman, W. D. (2021, November). Emotion Labeling with Visual Stimuli in Pigeons. 62nd Annual International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Virtual.

Leising, K. J., Elliott, C.*, & Nerz, J.** (2021, April). Does a rat like the CS or what it predicts? Devaluation of a conditioned reinforcer requires its reexposure. Paper presented at the 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Raab, T.**, Torres, D.**, Nerz, J.**, Melo, M.**, Alvarado, M.**, Waterman, E.**, & Leising, K. J. (2021, April). Habituation in wheel running rats. Paper presented at the 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Wolf, J. E.*, Nerz, J.**, & Leising, K. J. (2021, April). Evidence for the effects of stimulus-response compatibility on a spatial occasion setting procedure with pigeons. Paper presented at the 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Bond, S.*, Melo, M.**, Raab, T.**, & Leising, K. J. (2021, April). A role for response uncertainty in serial and simultaneous feature-positive tasks with rats. Paper presented at the 28th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Virtual Conference.

Elliott*, C., Westbrook**, M., Brown**, K., Alvarado**, M., Stahlman, W. D., & Leising, K. J. (2020, April). Labeling of emotional events in pigeons and humans: The acquisition and transfer of visual labels. Paper accepted to be presented at the 27th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Canceled due to COVID-19.

Leising, K. J., White**, J., Cleland*, L., Elliott*, C., & Wright, A. (2020, April). Training with multiple exemplars of change does not improve transfer or baseline change detection performance. Paper accepted to be presented at the 27th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Canceled due to COVID-19.

Nerz**, J., Benavides**, C., Almualimi**, E., Alvarez-Torres**, D., Elliott*, C., & Leising, K. J. (2020, April). Differential outcomes facilitate acquisition of a visual discrimination with rats. Paper accepted to be presented at the 27th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Canceled due to COVID-19.

Wolf*, J., Elliott*, C., White**, J., Nerz**, J., & Leising, K. J. (2020, April). Evidence for the effects of stimulus-response compatibility on a spatial occasion setting procedure with pigeons. Paper accepted to be presented at the 27th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition. Canceled due to COVID-19.

Wolf*, J., Elliott*, C., & Leising, K. J. (2019). Will terminating training trials after the first response produce an effect of stimulus-response compatibility during a spatial occasion setting procedure with humans and pigeons? Paper presented at the 26th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Elliott*, C., Cleland*, C. M., Jordan**, M., Borowski*, K., Stahlman, W. D., & Leising, K. J. (2019). Emotion labeling with visual stimuli: the effects of physiological responses on conditioning. Paper presented at the 26th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Jordan**, M., Borowski**, K., & Elliott*, C. M., Leising, K. J. (2019). Do you hate the object, or the event it predicts? Devaluation of a conditioned reinforcer with rats. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Nerz**, C., Benavides**, C., & Elliott*, C. M., & Leising, K. J. (2019). Sugar and chocolate and levers, oh my: Examining the differential outcomes effect in a visual discrimination with rats. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Leising, K. J., Elliott, C., Wilson, S., Willie, C., & Cleland, L. M. (2018). The effects of differential outcomes and environmental enrichment on discrimination performance with rats. Fall Meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Los Angeles, CA.

Leising, K. J., Ruprecht, C., & Cleland, L. M. (2018). An occasion setter by any other name would still influence responding in a spatial-search task. XIX Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Comparative Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.

Cleland, L.M.*, Wilson, S.**, Jones, S.**, & Leising, K.J. (2018). Same/Different Visual Discrimination using a Differential Outcomes Procedure with Rats. Poster presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Elliott, C.*, Cassidy, W.**, Jackson, W.**, & Leising, K.J. (2018). Emotion Labeling with Visual Stimuli: The Effects of Physiological Responses on Conditioning. Poster presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K.J., Jacqmain, J.*, Cleland, L.M.*, White, J.**, Jones, S.**, Elliott, C.*, & Wright, A.A. (2018). Transfer of location change detection to novel changes with pigeons. Talk presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Wolf, J.*, Cleland, L.M.*, Repeta, E.**, & Leising, K.J. (2018). The Effects of Stimulus-Response Compatibility on Rate of Learning and Transfer of Stimulus Control During Spatial Occasion Setting With Humans and Pigeons. Talk presented at the 25th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Jones, S.**, Cleland, L.M.*, & Leising, K.J. (2018). Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Visual Discrimination Learning with Rats. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Shelvin, K.**, Cleland, L.M.*, & Elliott, C.*, White, J.**, Leising, K.J. (2018). Transfer of Change Detection to Novel Changes with Pigeons. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Willie, C.**, Cleland, L.M.*, & Elliott, C.*, & Leising, K.J. (2018). Spatial Occasion Setting Using Spatially Stable and Unstable Occasion Setters in a Touch Screen Task with Pigeons. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Wilson, S.**, Cleland, L.M.*, & Elliott, C.*, Jones, S.**, & Leising, K.J. (2018). Same-Different Discrimination Learning in a Visual Discrimination Task with Rats. Poster presented at The Michael and Sally McCracken Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Cleland, L.M.*, Elliott, C.**, Repeta, E.**, Leising, K.J. (2017). The effect of delay and differential outcomes on same/different performance in a touchscreen task with rats. 24th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Jacqmain, J.*, Malone, N.**, Cleland, L.M.*, & Leising, K.J. (2017). The relationship between number of items and performance in a location change-detection task with humans and pigeons. 24th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K. J., H. Wright**, & L. M. Cleland (2016). A temporal gap and visual mask do not disrupt spatial occasion setting. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, Boston, MA.

Leising, K. J., L. Cleland*, T. Shanahan**, E. Repeta**, J.E. Wolf* (2016). The mechanisms of conditional discrimination: when is a stimulus more than a stimulus? Paper presented at the 57th Annual International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.

Leising, K.J., L.M. Cleland*, Malone, N.**, Lee, R.**, Taylor, J.*, Wolf, J.* (2016). The effect of increasing number of items in a location change-detection task with pigeons and humans. Poster presented at the 57th Annual International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, MA.

Wright, H.**, L.M. Cleland*, & K.J. Leising (2016). Is it “time” to abandon a configural account of spatial occasion setting? Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Herrera, E**, L.M. Cleland*, & K.J. Leising (2016). Facilitation of conditional spatial discrimination by naturalistic stimuli. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Lee, R.V.**, N. Malone**, J. Magnotti, J.E. Wolf.*, Taylor, J.**, & Leising, K.J. (2016). The role of iconic and working memory processes with an increasing number of items in a location change-detection task. Poster presented at the 23nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K.J., C.M. Ruprecht, J.E. Wolf*, & L.M. Cleland* (2016). Investigations into the Properties of Spatial Cues and Occasion Setters using a Spatial-Search Task. Paper presented at the 23nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Wolf, J.E.*, L.M. Cleland*, & K.J. Leising (2016). The effects of stimulus-response compatibility on spatial occasion setting. Paper presented at the 23nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Cleland, L.M.*, C.M. Ruprecht, H. Wright**, & K.J. Leising (2016). Spatial occasion setting following reassignment training in a landmark-based touchscreen task with humans. Paper presented at the 23nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Johnson E.**, T. Quinn**, K. Thoma**, J.E. Wolf*, & K.J. Leising (2016). Using an iPad-Equipped Touchscreen Apparatus to Evaluate Operant Associations: A Study Conducted by Undergraduates in Learning Laboratory Course. Poster presented at the 23nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

*Wolf, J.E., *Ruprecht, C.M., & Leising, K.J. (2015). Stimulus location and response position affect discrimination performance. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

**Tencer, P., **Todd, L., *Wolf, J.E., & Leising, K.J. (2015). Stimulus and Response Positions Affect Performance on a Simultaneous Discrimination Procedure. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken 11th Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Stahlman, W. D, Lau, M., & Leising, K. J. (2014). Respondent variability and its possible relation to creative behavior. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL

Wolf, J. E., Ruprecht, C. M., Leyva, J., Royder, K., & Leising, K. J. (2014).  The search for a motion superiority effect in feature-positive conditional discriminations. Paper presented at the 21th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Ruprecht, C. M, Elliot, A., Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2014). Training history and ambiguity alter conditional spatial discriminations. Paper presented at the 21th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Swanson, T., Taylor J., & Leising, K. J. (2014). Working memory: Testing modality-specific memory in a successive match-to-sample go/no-go task with humans. Paper presented at the 21th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Harris, J., Leyva, J., McKeehan, M., Ruprecht, C. M, & Leising, K. J. (2014). Are spatial relations readily encoded in occasion setting? For pigeons, training history matters. Poster presented at the 21th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Wolf, J. E., Catherine, M. U., Ruprecht, C. M., Leising, K. J. (2013).  Problems with your rats? Now there is an App for that. Paper presented at the 20th  Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Ruprecht, C. M, Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2013). Space, the final frontier: These are the voyages of pigeons and human during occasion setting. Paper presented at the 20th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K. J., Ruprecht, C. M., & Wolf, J. E. (2012). Higher-order modulation of spatial relations in pigeons and humans. Presented at the University of Texas at Dallas Biopsychology Group, Dallas, TX.

Wolf, J. E., Ruprecht, C. M., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Does environment complexity modulate a shift in response strategy?Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.

Ruprecht, C. M, Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Higher-order modulation of spatial relations in pigeons and humans.Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA.

Leising, K. J., Wolf, J. E., Ruprecht, C. M (2012). Higher-order modulation of spatial relations in pigeons. Paper presented at the Fall Meeting of the Comparative Cognition Society, New Orleans, LA.

Leising, K. J., Elmore, L. C., Wright, A. A., Passaro A. D., Magnotti, J., Ellmore, T. M., & Katz. J. (2012) Visual short-term memory compared in pigeons, Rhesus monkeys, & humans. Paper presented at the bimonthly meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Arlington Fort-Worth Chapter, Fort Worth, TX.

Izurieta, H., Ruprecht, C. M., Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Exploring the temporal nature of conditioned response during the over-expectation treatment. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken 10th Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Reinecke, G., Garrett, S., Ruprecht, C. M., Leising, K. J. (2012). Where did I leave my keys this time? Occasion Setting in Space with Humans. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken 10th Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Ruprecht, C. M., Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Knowing when and where to hit your target: Occasion Setting in Space with Pigeons. Poster presented at the Michael and Sally McCracken 10th Annual Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Ruprecht, C. M., Wolf, J. E., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Exploring the temporal nature of conditioned response during the over-expectation treatment. Paper presented at the 18th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Elmore, L. C., Wright, A. A., Passaro A. D., Magnotti, J., Ellmore, T. M., Leising, K. J., & Katz. J. (2012) Visual short-term memory compared in pigeons, Rhesus monkeys, & humans. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K. J., Ruprecht, C. M., Taylor, D. T., Weiss, J., & Drawdy, S. (2012). Transitions in search strategy may be mediated by environmental and task complexity. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Wolf, J. E., Ruprecht, C. M., & Leising, K. J. (2012). Timing of Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Stahlman, W. D., Ruprecht, C. M., Leising, K. J. (2012). Within-session shifts in reward probability and behavioral variability in pigeons. Paper presented at the 19th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Leising, K. J., Blaisdell, A. P., Garlick, D., Badelt, S. (2011). Evaluating cognition and behavior within an automated open field.Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, D.C., Washington.

Ruprecht, C. M., Taylor, D. T., & Leising, K. J. (2011). Extended Training does not Alter Place Responding by Rats in an Appetitive Spatial Task. Annual Meeting of the Pavlovian Society, Milwaukee, WI.

Elmore, L. C., Leising, K. J., Wright, A. A., Passaro A. D., Magnotti, J., & Katz, J. (2011). Change Detection by Rhesus Monkeys and Humans. Poster presented at Southwestern Comparative Psychology Association, San Antonio, TX.

Leising, K. J., Frye, R. E., & Wright, A. A. (2011). The Problem of Relational Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Paper presented at the 18th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Ruprecht, C. M., Taylor, D. T., Weiss, J., Drawdy, S. & Leising, K. J. (2011). Evidence for Place Responding with Rats in an Appetitive Spatial Task. Poster presented at the 18th Annual International Conference on Comparative Cognition, Melbourne, FL.

Ruprecht, C. M., Leising, K. J., & Wright, A. A. (2011). Detection of location change in pigeons. 9th Annual CSE Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.

Drew, C. T., Pittman, R., Safford, C., Ruprecht, C. M., & Leising, K. J. (2011). Evidence for Place Responding with Rats in an Appetitive Spatial Task. 9th Annual CSE Student Research Symposium, Fort Worth, TX.